fredag 12 december 2008

2.4 On the value of being alone in nature

John P. Milton says that the road to greater contact between the internal and external nature, between the conscious and unconscious self, is relaxation. "Relax, relax, relax." Through relaxation become more present. One way to do that, says John, is to practice Tai Chi. A series of physical exercise that requires full concentration.

One of these exercises is likely to focus your group's attention. What you offer is natural presence, a scarce commodity in todays hectic life. If your group is restless, you may want to do another exercise involving more active physical movement, like a chasing game.

It is important to emphasize to skeptics that Taoism is a religion, but not as Christianity. There is no God to worship. Tao is a principle which cannot be identified, it must be experienced. Tao is a force that envelops, surrounds and runs through everything, living and non-living. Tai Chi is a technique with deliberately slow movements to balance the flow of energy - ´Chi´- in the body. Tai Chi is a way to practice Taoism.

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